Breaking News ARCs Still Available to Bloggers and Reviewers!

I’m in the long lag period between the final revisions of a novel and the actual release date. For my upcoming middle grade novel, Breaking News, a book with multiple narrators and told through the many primary documents collected and created by my characters, that release date is not until April 28, 2022 (Fitzroy Books/Regal House).

It’s a long wait, but there’s plenty to do in the meantime. In fact, one of my favorite things about this part of the process is meeting a bunch of exciting, new friends in the blogosphere who are interested in reading my novels pre release and providing an honest review. If you’re interested in receiving a complimentary reader copy of Breaking News, you can download it directly from my Booksprout page, or you can contact me via the CONTACT PAGE on this website to request an ARC. I’d be thrilled to provide you with one!

If you’re not sure about reviewing Breaking News at this early stage in the game, but you think you might want to check it out later, please do add it to your GOODREADS TBR or PREORDER A COPY directly from the publisher.

Happy reading, y’all!

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